Boeing 777 Air France

Air France operates this version of the Boeing 777-200ER configured with 312 seats in three classes of service. It is flown on various long-haul intercontinental routes. Onboard classes include: Business, Premium Economy, and Economy. Aisles are narrow in the Economy Class cabin as Air France has 10 seats abreast. The performance and economics of the 777-300ER are unbeaten, and its range, capability and efficiency help operators maximize profits. That's why the 777 is the most popular and commercially successful twin aisle aircraft of all time. The 777 is always outperforming. Learn more about the 777. Boeing 777-200 seat map - 316 seats. AIR FRANCE KLM MARTINAIR Cargo - Boeing 777 - 300 ER Boeing 777 - 300 ER The Boeing 777-300 ER is a twinjet long-haul aircraft with a 11,000 km range with palletized holds forward and rear.

Air France operates 5 versions of Boeing 777-200.

First cabin version of the Boeing 777-200ER (772) Four Class

First version of Boeing 777-200 has two classes of seats and may transport 251 passengers. It is the most common version.

First class has only 4 closed suited located in a row with 24 inches width.

Business class consists of 7 rows of angle-flat seats per 7 in each. The seats are located into two sections. First section has 3 rows of seats that have 2-3-2 configuration. All these seats are standard only close location of the lavatory may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 5GKL.

Second section of business class seats is located behind exit row and lavatories. Passengers traveling with infants are often seated on the seats of 6th row as they have bassinet location. Proximity of the galley and lavatories may represent problem.

Premium Economy class includes 3 rows of seats that have 2-4-2 configuration. Passengers of the seats of 22nd row will take advantage of extra legroom. At the same time these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing and their width is reduced a little as the tray tables are built-in the armrests making them immovable. The seats 22KL have bassinet location position of which may be bothersome.

The seats 23A and 23L have no windows.

Economy class may accommodate 174 passengers. The seats of economy class are divided into two sections.

First section contains 48 seats in 5 rows. The best seats here are considered the seats of the 27th row. Among disadvantages of these seats: lack of floor storage during take-off and landing, position of the bulkhead and bassinet location may be bothersome and as the ray tables are in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced.

As there are no seats in front, the seats 28C and 28J have extra space for passengers’ legs. However these seats have immovable armrests.

The seats located in the last row of the section, i.e. the seats of the 31st row are less reclining and located close to lavatories which may represent a problem.

The second section of economy class includes 14 rows of seats. Because of protrusion of the exit door the seats 35A and 35L have limited legroom. The other disadvantages are: lack of windows, lack of floor storage during take-off and landing, proximity of the lavatories and reduced width of the seats.

The seats 35BC and 35JK are designated by Air France as preferred seats to reserve which an extra fee must be paid. Passengers of these seats will take advantage of extra legroom that these seats offer. However the disadvantages of these seats are the same: proximity of the lavatories, lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and reduced width.

The legroom of the seats 36EFGH is restricted. Also these seats have bassinet location which may be bothersome. As the tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable these seats are narrower than standard. Lack of floor storage during take-off and landing is another disadvantage of these seats.

As there are no seats behind, the seats 43C and 43J are often bumped by other passengers and crew members passing by.

The main disadvantage of the seats 44B and 44K is limited space for passengers’ legs.

The seats of the last 48th row are considered bad seats due to close location of the galley and limited recline.

Second cabin version of the Boeing 777-200ER (772) Three Class V1

Second cabin version operated by Air France may accommodate 309 passengers in three classes: business, premium economy and economy.

Business class consists of 5 rows of seats that 2-3-2 configuration. Position of the bulkhead and bassinet may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 1AB and 1KL.

Close location of the galley may represent a problem to passengers of the seats 5AB and 5KL.

Premium Economy class has 3 rows of seats per 8 seats in each. All these seats are standard only the seats of the 10th row have some peculiarities. The main advantage of these seats is extra space for passengers’ legs. However, close location of the lavatories and galley may be bothersome. As the tray tables are in the armrests the width of these seats is reduced. Also these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing.

Economy class seats are located in two sections. There are 250 seats here. Most of them have 3-4-3 configuration.

Passengers of the seats of 19th row will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom. Among disadvantages of these seats: lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and reduced width. Bassinet location may be also bothersome for passengers of the seats 19AB and 19KL.

Due to missing seats in front, the seats 20C and 20J provide extra legroom for passengers. Another advantage of these seats are movable armrests. But these seats are often bumped by other passengers passing by and crew members as these seats jut out into the aisle.

The seats of the 31st row are less reclining and their close location to the lavatories may be bothersome.

The second section of economy class seats is located behind exit row.

The seats 35A and 35L have no windows, the legroom of these seats is restricted because of the protrusion of exit door. All the seats of the 35th row have the following disadvantages: other passengers tend to gather in this area while waiting to visit lavatories. There is no floor storage for these seats during take-off and landing and these seats are narrower than standard. However the seats 35BC and 35JK are designated by Air France as preferred seats to reserve which an extra charge should be paid. Passengers of these seats will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom.

Other passengers often bump into the seats 43C and 43J causing discomfort to passengers of these seats.

Proximity of the galley and limited recline make the seats 47EFGH and the seats of the 48th row bad seats.

Third cabin version of the Boeing 777-200ER (772) Three Class V2

The third version of Boeing 777-200 consists of three classes of seats.

Business class consists of 40 flat bed seats located in two sections. First section includes 7 rows of seats that have 1-2-1 configuration. The only disadvantage of the seats of the first row is close location of the lavatory and galley the noise from which may be bothersome.

Second section of business class seats has 3 rows of seats per 4 in each. Passengers traveling with infants are often seated on the seats 10A and 10L as these seats have bassinet locations. However, proximity of the lavatory may be bothersome for passengers of the seat 10L.

Behind the seats of business class 24 seats of premium economy class are located. There are totally 3 rows of seats here that have 2-4-2 configuration.

Economy class may transport 216 standard seats. Economy class is divided into two sections.

First section includes 9 rows of seats. 8 of them have 3-4-3 configuration and the first row has seats that have 2-4-2 configuration. The seats of the 23rd row are considered good seats as they have extra space for passengers’ legs. However, position of bassinets may cause some discomfort.

As there are no seats in front, the seats 24C and 24J have extra legroom providing additional comfort to passengers of these seats.

The main disadvantage of the seats of 31st row is close location of the lavatories.

Behind the exit row the second section of economy class seats is located. Passengers of the seats of 35th row will feel comfortable thanks to extra legroom. Among disadvantages of these seats: lack of floor storage during take-off and landing, reduced width and proximity of the lavatories and galley.

Passengers traveling with infants are often seated on the seats 36EFGH as these seats have bassinet location. Close location of the galley may cause inconvenience as well.

Boeing 777 Air France

As there are no seats behind the seats 44C and 44J are often bumped by other passengers and crew members passing by.

The seats of the last 48th row are considered bad seats as other passengers tend to gather here while waiting to visit lavatories. The noise from the galleys may cause discomfort as well.

Fourth cabin version of the Boeing 777-200ER (772) Three Class V3

This version is operated by Air France during long-haul intercontinental flights.

316 passengers may transported by this airplane. Passengers may choose their seat among three classes: business, premium economy and economy.

First 4 rows of seats are the seats of business class. These seats have 1-2-1 configuration, so there are totally 16 open suites here. Business class suites have 180 degrees recline.

The only disadvantage of the seats of the 1st row is close location of the galley and lavatory. For passengers with infants the seats 1E and 1F offer bassinets.

Next three rows of seats represent seats of economy class. These seats have 2-4-2 configuration. The tray tables of the seats of the 7th row are in the armrests making them immovable and reducing the seat width. In addition these seats have no storage during take-off and landing.

The other two rows are designated by Air France as Seat Plus to reserve which an extra fee should be paid. Location of the galleys behind will cause discomfort to passengers of the seats 9AB and 9KL.

Behind the exit row the other 4 rows of economy class seats are located. Congregation of passengers in the area of the seats 12AB and 12KL as well as the noise from the lavatory located here may cause discomfort to passengers of these seats. As there are no seats in front the tray tables of these seats are built-in the armrests making them immovable are reducing the width of the seats. Lack of storage during take-off and landing is another disadvantage of these seats.

As to the other 3 rows their seats are denoted as Seat Plus.

Premium class seats are located in the rows 19-21. These seats have 2-4-2 configuration. Passengers of the seats of the 19th row will take advantage of extra legroom. These seats are considered good seats. Among disadvantages: no storage during take-off and landing and slightly reduced seat width.

The last 23 rows on this airplane offer the seats of economy class. These seats are divided into 2 sections. First section contains 9 rows of seats. The seats of the first rows are considered the best seats. Passengers travelling with babies are often seated on the seats of the 23rd row as these seats offer bassinet locations. Also these seats have extra legroom providing additional comfort to passengers of these seats. However, these seats have no storage during take-off and landing and are a little narrower than standard.

As there are no seats in front, the seats 24C and 24J offer additional space for passengers’ legs.

The main disadvantage of the seats of the 31st row is location of the lavatories behind.

Jackpot cash casino no deposit bonus codes 2020. Second section of economy class seats is located behind the exit row.

Due to the exit row located in front the seats of the 35th row have extra legroom. However, location of the galley and lavatories in front of these seats, lack of storage during take-off and landing and reduced width of the seats may cause discomfort.

Extra legroom offered by the seats 36EFGH makes these seats good seats. For passengers travelling with infants these seats offer bassinets.

Because of missing seats behind the seats 44C and 44J passengers tend to bump into these seats when passing by.

The noise from the galleys and lavatories located behind may represent problem to passengers of the seats 47B, 47E, 47H, 47K and the seats of the last 48th row.

Fifth cabin version of the Boeing 777-200ER (772) Three Class V4

This airplane may accommodate 312 passengers: 28 in business class, 24 in premium economy and 260 in economy.

Boeing 777 Air France

First 7 rows of the airplane contain 28 open suites of the business class. All these seats have 180 degrees recline. Passengers travelling with babies are often seated on the seats of the 1st row because bassinets may be located on a nearby bulkhead. Location of the lavatory and galley in front may cause discomfort to passengers of these seats. But lavatory and galley located behind the seats of the 7th row is the only disadvantage of these seats.

Behind the seats of business class 3 rows of premium economy class seats are located. These seats have 2-4-2 configuration. So, there are 24 seats here. The noise from the lavatory and galley located in front may cause discomfort to passengers of the seats of the 10th row. Also these seats have no floor storage during take-off and landing. Passengers travelling with infants should choose the seats 10K or 10L.

Economy class may accommodate 260 passengers. Most of the seats here have 3-4-3 configuration.

Passengers of the seats of the 18th row will feel comfortable thanks to additional space for their legs. Among disadvantages: these seats are a little narrower than standard because video monitors and tray tables are in the armrests making them immovable; there is no floor during take-off and landing. For passengers travelling with babies bassinets might be positioned on the bulkhead ahead of the seats 18AB and 18KL.

Air France designates the seats 18EFGH as Seats at the Front of the Cabin. These seats may be reserved for additional fee.

Due to missing seats in front the seats 19C and 19J have extra legroom. These seats may be selected for extra charge. But at the same time these seats are often bumped by crew members and other passengers passing by, have reduced width and have no floor storage during take-off and landing.

Proximity of the galley and lavatories will cause inconvenience to passengers of the seats 30ABC, 30 E, 31EFGH and 31JKL. Aisle position is one more disadvantage of the seats 30C and 31J because these seats may be bumped by crew members and passengers passing by. Because of the wall located behind the seats 30ABC, 31EFGH and 31JKL are less reclining than standard.

Second section of economy class seats is located behind the exit door.


Passengers of the seats 35ABC will feel comfortable thanks to additional legroom. Location of the tray tables and video monitors in the armrests reduced the width of these seats a little. Among other disadvantages: lack of floor storage during take-off and landing and close location of the lavatories and galley. Protrusion of the exit door inside reduces additional legroom of the seat 35A a little. An additional fee must be paid to reserve the seats 35ABC because these seats are designated by Air France as Seat Plus.

Passengers travelling with babies are often seated on the seats 36EFGH and 36JKL because these seats offer bassinet locations. Also passengers of these seats will take advantage of extra legroom. Free coin masters 25 spins. However, these seats are a little narrower than standard and have no floor storage during take-off and landing.

The seats 44C and 44J are often bumped by passengers and crew members passing by de to missing seats behind.

AB and KL seats of the rows 45-48 are ideal for passengers travelling with a partner. An extra fee must be paid to choose these seats.

The only disadvantage of the seats 47B, 47E, 47H and 47K is location of the lavatories and galleys behind. Scr888 online casino.

Limited recline and lavatories and galleys located behind make the seats of the last 48th row bad seats.

Air France Boeing 777-300 and American Airlines Boeing 737-800 experienced a near miss over the Caribbean Sea. The planes were safely separated after the TCAS got activated.

An Air France Boeing 777 was performing flight to Lima from Paris, when the American Boeing 737 was performing flight from Grenada to Miami.

The incident occurred on December 13, 2020. The Air France Boeing 777 was climbing to FL380 from FL360 at 21h10UTC. At this time, the American Boeing 737 was already en route at FL380.

Boeing 777 Air France Business Class

TCAS is an aircraft collision avoidance system that monitors an aircraft’s airspace for other aircraft equipped with a corresponding active transponder. It warns pilots of the presence of any other transponder-equipped aircraft to reduce mid-air collisions between aircraft.

Boeing 777 Air France First Class

Didn’t this incident take place about a month ago?